
$79.99 a month
Includes Full Membership
  • Billed Monthly


$479.99 a year
Save 50%
  • Billed Annually

All Plans Include:

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Permanent Community Access

Join once and you'll always belong, even if you cancel. Retain lifelong access to our core website and files.

Permanent Access to Basic Courses

Retain lifelong access to our core curriculum of basic courses, even if you cancel.

Unlimited Access to Advanced Courses

Stay subscribed for continual access to all our advanced courses. Dive into complex topics like AI model training and application development.

Access to All AI Teaching Assistants

Access expert help anytime from our AI teaching assistants. Available 24/7 to assist with topics from programming, to application development, or just helping you with your homework.
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Weekly Workshops

Join our community workshops every week. A space where members collaborate, share insights, and advance each other’s projects under expert guidance.

Monthly Consultant Appointments

As an active subscriber, you can book a monthly 30-minute consultation with me, Connor Hill (Bluedrake42). We'll tackle your specific questions or brainstorm on your latest ideas together.

Frequently asked questions

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time with no penalties. Once canceled, you’ll retain access to your current plan until the end of the billing cycle. Additionally, you will also retain permanent access to our core "fundamental skills" curriculum and community spaces.

What kind of things will I learn?

In Project Ascension, you'll explore topics ranging from full-stack development and digital entrepreneurship to business strategies. Whether you're learning how to build modern applications or gain insights into critical decision-making, we aim to equip you with practical skills for both the technical and business sides of success.

What kind of resources will I have access to?

Members get access to a variety of tools and content, including exclusive video courses, detailed project templates, community challenges, and direct mentorship. You'll also be part of an engaged public Discord community where you can connect with peers and experts, and get 24/7 assistance from our network of AI teaching assistants.
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